Friday, July 20, 2007

Harry Potter Scene It? DVD Trivia Game to go with new movie and book!

Between the release of the 5th movie and the 7th and final book, this July is a huge month for Harry Potter fans. It’s been a long tiresome week for yours truly, avoiding Harry Potter spoilers on the internet and nailing down my predictions for the final book. After all, being a wizard myself I take a special interest in Harry’s adventures. That last one was a real shocker, eh? How can J.K. Rowling possibly top Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince? Tonight at midnight, the world will find out! Lines are already forming at bookstores across the world, except in Israel where the release date falls on their Sabbath, poor fellows.

The Israelis won’t be needing their Harry Potter Costumes until Halloween, but they can still enjoy Harry Potter Deluxe Scene It? 2nd Edition.

This is what all the kids are up for these days, it’s not Backgammon and Battleship anymore, it’s all about these trivia games! The Scene It? folks are famous for them, of course, beginning with the delightful original Scene It? interactive DVD games of movie clips and questions. Now they have games for every sort of movie and TV show: Disney Scene It?, American Idol Scene It?, James Bond Scene It?, Turner Classic Movies Scene It?, HBO Scene It?, Marvel Scene It?, and the list goes on.

It’s like going to a cinema where they have those trivia questions before the feature like, “In what movie did Humphrey Bogart tell Ingrid Bergman, ‘Here’s looking at you, kid.’” And you have to choose Casablanca over Dude, Where’s My Car. Only Scene It? is much more fun and has tons of video clips and you can keep score with your friends or family, and you can play in your own home. And eat moderately priced popcorn.

One of few things more exciting to kids than DVD trivia games is Harry Potter, so imagine their delight at a Harry Potter Trivia Game!

Even Muggles who’ve not read up on the famous boy wizard can play Harry Potter Scene It? DVD Game because it is based on the Harry Potter movies. It even includes scenes from the brand new summer blockbuster, Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix! Haven’t even seen it myself yet, but the book was one of my favorites. This is the one where resistance to Lord Voldemort really gets organized, and Harry and his schoolmates start their own secret order in resistance to the Ministry of Magic. Ooh, and we meet oddball Luna Lovegood, who’s not like other kids but is a fantastic character!

For those of you who are attending Harry Potter parties, Fantasy Toyland is well-stocked with Child Harry Potter Costumes and Adult Harry Potter Costumes, so parent and kid can go together!

And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the unveiling of Wally the Wizard’s Pointless Personal Predictions for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:

How can Snape still be innocent? This is the central question my theory is trying to answer, because I so trust Dumbledore’s judgment and don’t want him to be dead for good. This is how I’ve solved that problem: you see, I believe Snape performing the Avada Kedavra killing curse was part of the Order’s plan from the beginning, because Dumbledore has created a Horcrux that will allow him to resurrect. And you remember rumors via Hagrid that Dumbledore and Snape had a heated discussion when Snape was trying to back out of something?

Of course, this means Dumbledore would have to have killed someone. But what if he was defending the innocent, or it was a mercy killing? On the other hand, I vaguely recall that not just killing but murder is required to split one’s soul. But on the other other hand, what if having destroyed Voldemort’s ring Horcrux counts as murder because it contained a piece of his soul?

Another unrelated prediction I have for the last book is that Harry will indeed kill Lord Voldemort, but at the cost of his own magical powers and possibly his life, just as trying to kill Harry once cost Voldemort these things (if it weren’t for those darn Horcruxes!). But since killing Harry would be too obvious, I think the big tragedy is that he’s no longer a wizard and maybe Ginny dies. I do not believe as many do that Harry himself is the 6th Horcrux, mostly because someone else had the idea before me.

And also, I believe the person with initials R.A.B. in possession of Slytherin’s locket is Rosmerta, not Regulus Black as is commonly believed.

There you have it folks, no leaks, no inside knowledge, just good old-fashioned intuition. These predictions are substantiated only by facts in the preceding books and my infallible wizard logic!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank You very much it was excellent. Visiting the site and reading was very nice! Good Stuff.